Big bang theory is one of the best american tv serial amoung which I have watched. The story of Three scientiests and an engieneer life is very nicely narroted and shown in this series. Leonard, sheldon, hovard and a indian rajesh are the main charactar in the series. The story gets interesting when these nurds meet the girls and make girlfriend, hovard even gets married.
The best charactar in the series sheldon cooper his acting is the best he acts like a kid but a supper genious he dosent like girls but even he gits in relationship with a girl.
From the first sesion to 9th sesion their life take different turn, leonard meet penny, hovard marries a girl and also he go to space that is the biggest achivement in his life, sheldon stop his research which he used to do from years and later starts it agin, rajesh the millionars son who gets nervous in frount of girls and dosent speek to them sleeps with penny after getting drunk and thn he speeks with girls.
This is a very nice and big story it cant be explained easly.
I like it very much.