The Big Bull
Without comparing it to the popular web series SCAM 1992, the film falls short of expectations; in its own league, it is merely okish and below average. 2 out of 5
All hail Abhishek Bacchan, who has put in tremendous effort and delivered a superb performance as Hemanth, driving the film with his soul. The story is based on Harshad Mehta and the Scam that surrounds him, and it is stitched in a 2.5-hour setup, which is something to be commended, as is the screenplay, which is written with minimal lag.
There are some dramatic parts and transitions between a few scenes that stand out, but the terrible BGM makes it appear extremely conventional and dull, and the filmmaker has failed to build detail, as the characters that surround Hemanth never mature throughout the film, making it look half-baked. Dialogues arent very memorable or catchy, further devaluing the films main characters. Because the plot moves at a quick speed, the films pace works in its favor. Its also worth noticing the climax. The songs in the film were unnecessary since they were not up to par. The strangest portion of the picture was Abhishek Bacchans bizarre laughing, which was sprinkled throughout the film but was clearly unnecessary. Overall, its a film thats much below average in its own league. Also, please dont compare this to SCAM 1992, as it would be unjust to criticize the efforts of the cast and staff that worked on this film and its production.