*Money Minters : BODY CARE in NCR
The tummy tuck program offered by body care is not at all of any use.
I went there to attnd this multiple sitting program and feel like I am robbed of my money and wasted my time in unhygienic center of Bofy Care Faridabad.
There was no effect at all. No even .5 inch of waist size reduction. I took pkg for 5 sittings for tuck and 5 for body firming. They keep saying after 5th tuck also to take more and it will be giving visible benefit. I tries 6 th and 7th also but all in vain.
Wont recommend any one to go for such Tucks.. better find some gym or exercise. And invest your time there rather than calling these people daily to fix your time and waste your money with no results.
Money Minters : BODY CARE
Money Minters : BODY CARE
Money Minters : BODY CARE