I heard great reviews about Body Shop Nail Block and I decided to give it a try. One word awesome. My nails were shiny in ten minutes. I feel as if I sat in a salon for it :) Really good. I am now loving it. It is just a nail file but works 100 times better than any nail file I used. :) and it is so convenient I shine my nails whenever I go out.. The shine last for 4 days.. and then again shine with the fourth side of the nail block.
I recommend you to do the entire process of buffing your nails once a month, then keep shining with fourth side of the nail block.
Size: 0.01kg
Price: Rs. 195
The Nail Block has instructions written on it you just have to follow the numbers on each side for perfect nails
"Use the dark grey side to file your nails into shape. Use the whiteside to help smooth away ridges from the surface of the nails. Use theblack side to help buff the nails. Use the pale grey side to add anatural-looking sheen to the surface of the nails"