*The Story (no plots revealed) - 5/5
The story begins right where Supremacy left off and it is from here that the movie grips you and makes you sit on the edge of your seat right till it ends. It does not let the audience down a bit !!
By now, the character of Jason Bourne is well defined and the audience knows his capabilities. The director just uses them as and when the story demands it instead of trying to show-off his abilities to the audience.
The movie is based on the book by the same name by Robert Ludlum. It is the third part of the Bourne trilogy. It is due to the superbly written book, that the movie could get such a strong sense of direction. The director knew exactly where to take the movie and he did it with great style and precision.
The cast and Performances - 5/5
Matt Damon .... Jason Bourne
Matt Damon continues to ROCK as Jason Bourne !! He doesn’t need any more plaudits. Go see the movie to gauge how aptly he brings the character of Jason Bourne alive in the movie.
Julia Stiles .... Nicky
Julia Stiles is nice as Nicolette ! It is good to see her in a longer role than in the first and second film.
Davis Strathairn .... Noah Vosen
He plays the head of operations to eliminate Bourne. He does a good convincing role of a sinister villain who asseses Bourne as a threat to CIA and tries to eliminate him in order to cover up a bigger mess.
Joan Allen .... Pamela Landy
Joan Allen continues to be good in her part as Pamela Landy. She thinks of Bourne as one of her own agency and tries to prevent Noah from eliminating him while trying to figure out the big mess that Noah tries to hide from her.
Scott Glenn .... Ezra Kramer
Scott Glenn plays the role of CIA top honcho with power and convincing cunningness.
To know more about the cast, visit the official website of the movie.
Direction and Editing - 5/5 *
This time the camera work by Paul Greengrass a not too jarring. It makes the action scenes a lot more authentic. The great direction and superb editing by Christopher Rouse makes this movie a pleasure to watch. They make the movie interesting from start to finish without inducing boredom in the audience.
I loved the way the camera captures the nail biting suspense at a crowded train station where Bourne and a journalist are trying to avoid a sniper and CIA agents and the numerous security cameras.
Another noteworthy mention is the bike chase (excellent camera work) and the foot chase scene in Morocco. The way the winding streets and the crowds were used to give a high degree of authenticity to the movie deserves a round of applause.
It is only when I sit down to write the review that it strikes me that there must have been so much hard work and thought put in to making the scene so real. While watching the movie, everything happens so fast that you do not get a chance to grasp the amount of hard work put in by everyone.
The movie has many such scenes set across the world. The change of location is used nicely to switch gears in the movie and the audience is kept engaged as the type of action varies at each different location. Great job Mr. Greengrass and Mr. Rouse !!
Action - 5/5
I reiterate this point from my review of The Bourne Supremacy - Lack of fancy gadgets and nice chase sequences make the movie more enjoyable. I loved the way the movie travels to different locations worldwide and makes splendid use of the unique landscape and topography to provide the audience with some engaging action scenes. It is this uniqueness that has prompted critics to dub this movie as "The thinking mans action film" and they could not be more right !!
The verdict - 5/5
This one is a winner !! Class, spohistication, conspiracy, drama, action, suspense, raw hand fights, thrilling car chases, mind-games, realistic camera work, slick editing.... you name it - the movie has it all !! You will not be disappointed to watch Jason Bourne in action !!
Like its 2 prequels, this movie too focuses on Bourne rather than diverting attention to a lot of sub-plots. This focus is what makes the movie more interesting to watch.
A MUST SEE for every action fan.
!! Spike !!
[Still not read the book :p]
Check out the official website of the movie.
This time they have a great trailer in store for us... !! The effect shown during mouse-over on links and buttons is very cool !!
Note: Grab a seat as far from the screen as possible.