Great action. Very fast paced. In fact, so fast paced, blurry, and upside-down rotated, that in many scenes youll have to pause the DVD just to figure out exactly whats going on. I hate it when they do that. Whats the point of having a full-out action scene, if the audience cant appreciate it?
Because... if youre watching it in the theatre, then just to figure out what exactly caused the banging noises in the dim-lighting, youll have to watch the movie a second time. More money to the movie-makers.
Leaving that aside, this movie continues the story where Bourne Supremacy left off.
As usual, the female element is thrown in, if only to give Jason Bourne [or is it David W.(Dubyaman?)] something to protect. The paradox is that movies portray:
1> Men to be strong only if they can bash each other up to protect women;
2> Women to be strong only if they do things on their own, without anyones help. Has anyone else ever noticed that? Is that what girls think about guys?
Are we men still neanderthals? Go figure.The movie sets itself as an all-out hollywood american underdog muscle versus the bad US government. It looks very promising, right up to the end, but I think our desi TV series have infiltrated Hollywood, and are badly influencing their movies. A.K.A. drag the story round and round, and then give it a flimsy ending with special effects.
I suggest you leave before he enters the Training facility for the last time, cos the ending is a major let-down. Big pffff. I do not want to spoil the movie any more for those who havent seen it, so I wont tell you what happens.Word to the wise, only watch this in theatre if you are an action freak, Matt Damon fan, just want to see the last of the trilogy, or have money to waste.
Otherwise, DVD, VCD is fine. The action scenes are so bluurry, you cant really get the gist of them. If you are looking for a story... forget it. Robert Ludlum? enough already. I can sum up the entire story in less than 70 words. The story is that: If you can decode that, you are either smarter than me, or have nothing better to do. If not, then please tell me, and Ill post the decryption in the Comments. Happy watching!