Likes - I really liked the first part and was desperately looking for the second one. And finally after watching this one I must say they did a great job.
The sound, cinematic and story is creepy as the first one. In the beginning I got confused with two different evil character(Valak and Bill) but it was amazing to see how they have connected them. My most favourite part was when Ed figure out the secret of the phrase "Help It Let Go" in the train and when he was taking to Bill when Janet took water in her mouth. Although the movie was long but didnt felt it.:)
The cast was also good as the last time. Nice acting by Janet in the movie as she was smart and brave for her family even when nobody believes on her. The strong relationship in the family is shown which we can hardly see now a days. I am really looking forwards to Conjuring 3:D
Dislikes – Unlike the first conjuring this one contains a few comedy scenes or dialog between some serious scenes which was a bit irritating but it didn’t spoil the whole mood of course thanks to the creepy sounds. It’s funny that sun suddenly came up in the end:P