The Conjuring 2 is the ultimate James Wan Film.the best horror film director of the era.He has very cleverly tied the "true story" of Amityville Horror to the plot of "The Conjuring 2".This movie does what it is suppose to to the best.scare the crap out of you.Send chilling tingles down your spine.It has the creepiest ghost I have ever seen.The nun dressed in black robe.White painted face, neon yellow eyes, sharp bloody teeth.And has the best back round score. It will scare you to death.The horror scenes arrive unexpectedly which is the best part of the movie.It is not atall predictable.The Actors has given there best and outstanding performances.the little girl playing the role of "janet" has done outstanding acting.It is a treat for Horror Film Lovers.Paisa Wasool Movie.must watch.