Hello friends today my review will be one of the key venue for the book called the consolidators, few days before I brought the book for my uncle to give a time in spending in reading the stories, actually the book is not up to the mark as far my uncles view.Author – Prince Mathews Thomas
Genre is on -Business & Economics
Published by - Penguin
Page count is nearly -260
Price is of - Rs 399/-
Published recently in 2017
After few days he became unhappy to study the book with less morality in the lessons which will depress a person totally by there talent, which has been hidden inside then .
readability in the means is good but not good as compare to other edition of penguin .still there are many lessons in different part inside book which has no more effect in the readers who actually read the book with perfection.
as far the economics scale there is no recent news or facts displayed inside the book and it get other diversification .
other economic and business studies gives us more ideas about handling the situation but it gives nill ideas on the true facts.