Harvard prof.Langdon receives a call saying a musuem curator Jacques Sauniere is dead and it all ends up as to how Langdon and Sophie-Saunieres grand daughter solve the series of clues posed by Sauniere after his death.An exhilarating thriller that leads readers on a breathless chase alongwith Langdon and Sophie.Intrigue and menace mingle in one of the finest mysteries piled on secrets stacked on riddles.The more u read the more u want to read.Brown has built a fantasy world with fascinating detail.A racing thriller has so many twists which satisfy the reader and has the most unexpected - that it would be a sin to reveal the plot to the reader.It is an ingenious mixture of paranoid thriller, art history lesson, chase thriller, religious symbology lecture and anti-clerical screed.A delightful display of eruditon, a crackling intricate mystery and stunning surprises.The race acroiss France and UK leads us to a journey through a covert, enigmatic world revealed through a seemingly endless collection of codes, puzzles, anagrams, cryptexes and messages hidden in Da Vincis art.I recommend this for u all with the full heart of mine.