Yes I am a true lover of Hollywood stuff, everything from dialogue delivery, to picturesque ness of the plot, to special effects, to the way they think , hats off to them. But recently the movies are losing their vulnerability to be precise, its seems they need a bit break off, get back their believes and produce a sensation.
The same story ends up with the class off Dan Brown’s classic the Da Vinci Code. The novel needs not to be spoken off , one of the best sellers recently, no praise could comprehend the class . For the movie the role of Robert Langdon is brilliantly played by Tom hanks , and the work of all other co actors and actresses is superb 10 out of 10 to them .
But what I thought was missing was the touch of magnificience which has actually earned the novel a name to itself , I am not questioning the abilities of Ron Howard(the director), but what I am saying is that the work could have been much better.
He has been able to give the look of a mystery , the landscapes were dramatically crafted , it has the capabilities to make the viewers sit like crouch potatoes as the reel rolls on. The cons aren’t in the movie but it lies in the fact that it is a make of a classic novel of all times.
For those who haven’t read the novel this movie will take you through all the thrills in the search of the greatest quest of all times the HOLY GRAIL . you would get a brief of the history , of various religious societies , of codes and ciphers , of the great painters of all times and for the biggest…. The controversy on the question mark on the existence of Christianity
Where as for those who have read the novel this movie is not as picturesque as the novel , the plots are too concise , and it seems the movie is made on a run , the pace of the movie is not steady sometimes too quick and sometimes very lethargic. To sum up the movie:
1) The plot referral and the starting is good.
2) The direction by Ron Howard is fine and Tom hanks and the crew work is magnificent.
3) The movie isn’t as picturesque as the novel
4) Lacks a steady pace of change of plots
5) The beliefs of religious societies and the indication of the various painting masterpieces explanation are not done justice too, as in the novel.
6) The director has been able to keep up a good implication of the places referred and has also succeeded in keeping a firm grip on the audience.
7) Movie has a bit of nudist frame as demanded by the plot but still the director has drawn a thick line between the vulgarity and the need.
Practically a must watch movie for all gene and ages.