Well most of u mite have heard about this book.And sum of my frnds sure have the feeling that I’m a lot euphoric abt this novel .Wonder whats so great about this book?Why im so impressed and euphoric abt a novel full of history , Christianity and church.Well the answer is its really fanatic..an amazing masterpiece by dan brown...its a fantabulous novel with thrill, suspense, controversy, riddles and what else cud I say.So is the movie .The movie is a complete copy of the novel where no important scene was missed.Its gr8 to watch the movie after reading the novel.If u try to check some blog sites or review sites its not me only getting crazy over it ..there are thousands from all over reviewing and even debating on it .And sum ppl fighting and striking abt this story.
Well writing a fiction novel based on history is a very tough job act and very few authors have managed to blend the two of them beautifully.I agree with this phrase .The most famous two books of Dan brown are Angel and demons and da vinci code..Both are masterpieces…a complete blockbusters with brain …..Da vinci code was so splendid that a movie on this story was released on this month .Where Tom hanks , Audrey toutau are the protagonists..directed by Ron howard.
The story was appreciated by lot of readers, for me its one of the best books iv ever read.The suspense and the thrill described by Brown is fabulous.Its not only a story but a valuable collection of da vincis life and his work as a painter , architect and cryptologist and the chance to see it as movie was mind blowing.Spcly in the real places like louvre museum in france and the mentioned sacred areas.
The main story line is a solving of a mystery buried for abt 2000 yrs ..the murder of a curator( a head of a museum or similar place) and how he hints his grand daughter, a cryptologist in army to find it and her attempt in finding them with the help of a symbologist, against the french police
In the first few chapters, it gives a vivid explanation about LDV and his famous painting mona lisa.The next chapters takes u thru a journey to understand bible facts , the catholic churchs and jesus(PBUH), a prior of sien, opius dei etc .Prior of sien and opius dei r real societiies exisitng in the world even today .And also this chapter includes a hoax or may be true fact about jeses(PBUH) secret marriage to sumone called mary , and yaa his mothers name was mary tooo known for all of us as virgin mary....and the last chapters describe the secret of the painting last supper (the readers are not forced to imagine all of them as tru) and also this story made me zealous in finding more abt leaonardo da vinci , architecture , cryptology , symbology and LOL to learn french as well .Yaa the book really had an influence over me .But those who read it can take the meaning as anyway they want. So is the movie and well this story or mostly the idea of becomin the movie a hit has created lots of mayhem among the Christians that they claim DA vinci code describes Jesus(PBUH) as a fraud and church a sham.May b the christians are paranoid that all who read the book mite take this as the truth.
I can understand, its rational that Christians getting furious and frenzy over this .I know its humourous if a book comes along and gives u an entirely different perspective to the whole origin of the church, the bible, the new testament, the gospels. The author deciding to blend the alternate theories around Christ whom christians consider as god or son of god with modern day suspense and thrill cannot be liked by you. And the fiction is so real that you mite start wondering where boundaries of fiction end and fact begins. I agree its completely annoying .but I tell u it does not testify jesus as a fraud or the other facts .
heres a few words from the book ..and I feel these phrases are vital as a testimony to my words .
chapter 55 page 254 ..jesus was indeed a great and powerful man.Constantines underhanded political meauvers dont diminish the the majesty of Christs life.Nobody is saying Christ was a fraud, or denying that he walked the earth and inspired millions to better lives.All we are saying is that constantine took advantage of christs substantial influence and importance.And in doing so he shaped the face of christianitty as we know it today.The twist is because constantine upgraded Jesus statas almost four centuries aftr Jesus death thousands of documents already existed chronicling his life as mortal man.To write the history books constantine knew he would need a bold stroke .So he commisioned a new bible , which ommited those gospels that spoke of christs human traits and embellished those gospels that made him godlike.The earlier gospels were outlawed , gathered up and burned
And o yaa abt the unresolved mona lisa smile. Actually I ponder much over da vincis homosexuality than his favourite portrait .why he?he is a genius in almost everythin he did.He is a man of complete intellect and wit and according to Dan Brown ( I quite believe in his words implied on the book cuz I found a lot abt the places, abt the phi (i knew it a way back in biology)and the people he mentioned as historians are true facts) abt the lovre meuseum in france , the church of Saint -Sulpice , abt the paintings maddona of finch, the virgin of rocks n stuff , prir of sien, the opius dei and check this In 1793 the Louvre was opened as a public museum, and the French painter Jacques-Louis David was appointed head of a commission to administer it....the curators name is jaqcues tooo .do u rmbr?..so a lot in the book r not just imaginations..
hmmmmmmm MONA LISA .....................sum ppl take it as the worlds most documented inside joke and others a perfect mystery....i wonder anything related to mona lisa and his homosexuality......may be mona lisa doesnt exist as a human bieing...... its just an imaginary painting ....if anyone similar to her was there I bet she shud have been as famous as da vinci himelf.Albiet, mona lisa been niether a male nor female .and its just a subtle message of androgony , fusing of both , dan brown describing the background of the pic bieng uneven and the horizon line on the left lower than the right giving a clue to male female gender and his(da vincis) idea of showing it that way proved that he gives priority to females and the book it self has mentiond da vinci was a big fan of female principle ....then why he chose to be a homosexual gay........its hard for me to accept. phew he and his divine thoughts.And abt the name of mona lisa revealed as from the egyptian god of masculine fertility amon and the female isis........... the big clue that the painting is supposed to be androgynous is a bizzare tooo...i learned abt this guy amon when I was 14 or 15 in a project ....he is a damn devil ... I dont know much bad words to describe .....but if so he shud be in the top of zenith....ya sure for his promiscuity its no surprize to find a condom brand named amon .........but the secret to MONA why would da vinci inscript the horny amon who claims himself a god and abuse young girls and even children sexually as a return to bless his worshippers , is da vinci that impudent ? I dont know about that Isis part coz probing on a female goddess that wud be a waste of time..and also derisible.