"Have you read The Da vinci Code ? " was the question in almost every fiction readers toungue a few months ago.Being a more of a movie buff then a novel reader, I used to politely dodge this question whenever asked.
However, last month, when I came to know that there is a movie, staring Tom Hanks, that has been made over the novel, I couldnt stop myself but to read this novel by Dan Brown.It was amazing.Everything was so perfect, the plot, the revelations etc.A complete page turner.
I watched the movie yesterday two days after I finished the novel.With the novel being fresh in my mind I enjoyed the movie thouroughly.However I think the movie could have been better.
Few of the things the movie fails in, according to me:
1.The movie failed to portray Robert Langdons great ability to solve the riddles posed by Jaques
Sauniere.It actually skipped many scenes like the opening of the first cryptex in the plane.The
finese with which the novel portrayed Robert Langdons skill was too good.
It also failed to sustain the suspense which again owes to the skipping of scenes.For example,
the scene when Langdon and Sophie reached the Newtons tomb and they meet Leigh there,
seems to be hastened a bit unlike the novel.
Also the last scene when Sophie meets her Grandmother seemed to be cut short and fails to
bring out the climax properly.
Plus points:
The movie helped to visualise certain things which otherwise I couldnt do just by reading the
novel, mainly the last scene when langdon finally deciphers the actual place where Mary
Magdalenes sarchophagus is hidden.
Overall a nice movie to watch, but only if one had read the novel.Otherwise might sound a little bit Greek and Latin.