Martin Scorcese is a such a director that even his worst films can be watched just cos its directed by him after all those medicore movies in the past decade , he returns back right where is he great a gangster genre flick.
Already having seen the original Infernal Affairs long ago, I was not much interested in this movie even though I am a huge fan of Scorcese, Guess I was mistaken. While “Infernal Affairs” was a taut complex thriller that got straight to the point. The Departed on the other hand focuses on story telling and whilst staying faithful to the original, it becomes itsown film.
Scorsese has taken a great film and turned it into a masterpiece with breathtaking violence and superb character development. If fans were expecting a shot-for-shot remake, they obviously dont understand why Scorsese is regarded as one of the best directors of all time.
Set in Boston, the Massachusetts State Police sends young cop Billy Costigan (LeonardoDiCaprio) to go undercover and infiltrate an Irish mob syndicate where he quickly earns the trust of leader Frank Costello (Jack Nicholson). Meanwhile, Costellos informant Collin Sullivan (Matt Damon) works for the police departments Special Investigation Unit. Soon, stakes are raised when both thepolice and the mob realize theres a traitor among them, and that both Billy and Collin are both in danger of losing their cover and even their lives.
The acting of all the leads were legendary and they all looked very comfortable in their roles. DiCaprio shines as an actor and I wouldn’t be surprised if he does win an oscar for this. In fact, he was so good that Mr Nicholson didnt act him off the screen when they shared screen time together. Accolade also has to beheaped on Damon also as he came into his own as the sneaky but smooth roguecop. Add Sheen, Walberg, Baldwin and Winstone to the mix and you have the bestcast assembled for a motion picture this year. Add to that a brilliantsoundtrack from Rolling Stones and Dropkick Murphy( the title track)
Ofcourse no film is perfect (Although this comes close) butthe only disappointing aspect of the film will be from the perspective of those that have seen the original. I am ultimately referring to the ending. Whilst anyone seeing this film for the first time will most probably embrace theclimax, anyone that has seen the original will know what I mean.