Well.. ma title says it all.. the movies simply A.W.E.S.O.M.E!!
My chinese friends said its a remake of one of their movies but who cares, u wouldnt have understood it anyways..
The plot is amazing, picturization.. even better.. Martin Scorsese is BACK.. not that he had "GONE" anywhere.. anyways..
Everyones played their part and the actors are the right choices for their respective roles.. Jack Nicholsons playing the baddy, with his dry humour and weird definitions, hes given a new dimension to his role, Matt Damon.. what can I say.. good as ever, Di Caprio, hes moving up fast.. I dint know he could act so good, probably cause I aint such a big fan of his.. but this movies makes me wanna think again.. Oh man!! I almost forgot Mark Wahlburg.. hes got these in between dialouges, basically abusive insults, real funny, makes u wanna laugh your bums off!!
Basically, the movie is about organized crime and the repeated failed efforts of the cops to catch the bad guys cause well.. theyre just that damn connected.. The baddys have a mole in the police department, so the cops follow suit by sending their guy inside.. things get messy, people die, the moles start freaking out and then..... Then what?? go watch the freaking movie!!