This movie is one of the worst Ive seen in the past 10 years. Despite the high-profile actors (Keanu and Pacino), the acting was absolutely horrid and totally unbelievable. Keanu plays (yes - PLAYS! no acting here!) a Florida defense attorney whose success rate at defending scum-of-the earth deviants earns him a large salary increase AND a move to New York City. Not only is his accent ridiculous - his monotone speech becomes so irritating after 10 minutes that you just want to shoot him! Pacinos performance as the Devil is believable BUT ... I wasnt impressed. He was awesomely REAL in Dog Day Afternoon, Scent of a Woman, and the Godfather sagas, however; he really must have been desperate to resort to acting in this so-called movie. I found nothing relevant in this movie, and nothing relevant in the acting either.
Thumbs DOWN! Go rollerskating with your friends - do ANYTHING but watch this sorry excuse for a movie.