That element of comedy is partially back, once again through the entirety of the duration of the film almost nothing makes sense. The story is just so bol*ocks I am inclined to laugh at it. Yet this time around I didnt even manage to do that. It just makes no sense whatsoever, nothing that is going on on screen is ever motivated, but even worse, it doesnt fit with the other two films and just emerges as an absolute mess.
Even Shailene Woodley who in the past managed to elevate the non sense that was going around her, with the help of Theo James charisma, cant do anything with this material. She isnt bad in anyway, it would be impossible for her, but no one on screen manages to make heads or toes of their character, simply because their isnt anything to be understood, it is just a screenplay that mixes random exposition to ever changing motivations because the story requires it. Even the cinematography, for the most part, is as dull as it can be: basic coverage of dialogue scenes and where it tries to do something new like some good tracking shots it fails miserably because they look terrible.
What remains good is the imagery that the series has offered throughout, dont misunderstand me: for the major part the CGI is mediocre and touches bad in many points, but the art concepts and the visual ideas still work very well and provide that minimum flare that mixed to some laughing at the story and Miles Teller not giving a sh*t for the third time, which I must admit is the best part of the film, manages to get you through the film indifferently.