Everyone probabaly would watch the movie for the word "exorcism" in the title but I have to warn you that nothing of that sort is there in the movie .This is a horror movie but portayed in a "tv documentary style ". Full credits to the director scott derrickson for taking this bold venture. thus movie is probably more closer to reality than any other horror movies this is nat a typical horror movie as there are not much special effects (and yes! no vomit) but still manages to give us the "creeps".lets come to the story , this movie is based upon a true incident , you can get more information about this from this url
the story is about a young rural american woman "emily rose" who after getting a scholarship went to a university in the big city , thats when the "hallucinations" start , here I have to mention the acting of jennifer carpenter(emily rose), the portrayal of the pain and suffering inside emily rose was done in a lucid manner.ok lets get back to the story she is first diagnosed with "epilepsy" characterised with frequent seizures.when there seems to be no improvement in roses condition her family sought the help of their towns cleric father richard moore who said that exorcism has to be done to cure her.he gets the approval for the exorcism from the archbishop(do u really need that for the exorcism!!!)and the family.the exorcism was conducted which ultimately leads to the death of emily rose.Father richard moore gets charged with negligent homicide, thats when a lawyer comes to help him .The father asks the lawyer to give him an opportunity to say the story of emily rose on trial.The lawyer was played by laura linney(the only recognisable face in the movie).the rest is about the trial and the verdict.
eventhough laura looks like the protagonist pf the movie , its jennifer who steals the show.Her acting looks so real.This is a good movie , so I would recommend everyone to see this movie as it seems to be of a different genre "court horror movie".If you are not a fan of special effects and vomit!! then this is the movie for you , chao.