"When falls the Coliseum, Rome shall fall; And when Rome falls-the World. "
Author: Lord Byron(George Gordon Noel Byron)
Source: Childe Harold(canto IV, st. 145)
The above statement epitomizes the importance of Rome in the ancient world; and quite rightly alludes towards the intense drama attatched with "The Fall Of Roman Empire"
*The Fall
*The rise and fall of rome are certainly the two most intriguing questions of History, and Rome, like its rise.did not fall in a day.it was a chain of events lying across 300 years.
Some nations do not last as long as it took Rome to fall!
*The movie
The plot may be termed a fantasia on various historical events and characters in the years 180-192, the reign of Marcus Aurelius and the career of his son Commodus, his succession to the title of Ceaser.
The Film depicts an imaginary character called livius, who besides being an ace warrior; is also the Marcus Aurelius’s first choice for the title of Ceaser. The film essentially deals with the struggle of Livius against Commodus. Eventually the film culminates in a symbolic battle of good versus evil.
Sophia Loren(oww damn shes a godess)
Lucilla(Sophia Loren) is the sister Commodus could never get along with. She is hopelessly in love with Livius. But before her father was poisoned he arranged for her a loveless political marriage with the king of Armenia(Omar), so Rome could have an ally in the East. She obediently followed his wishes, and spends most of the film pining for the love of Livius. Their love story and Livius duel with Commodus, provide the film with its Hollywood touches.
*So Wats Cool.eh
1> Sophia Loren in an insane fur coat looking like a godess. Sophia Loren in an insane fur coat looking like a godess. Sophia Loren in an insane fur coat looking like a godess. Sophia Loren in an insane fur coat looking like a godess.
2>What impressed me most about the epic was that in showing the Empire in all its pomp and riches, there is still a restraint as it casts a light on the Empires tired pragmatism and lack of imagination. It is truly an Empire dying from within due to its decadence and cancerous turmoil and constant warfare, and we can feel this in the penetrating action scenes and in the colorful sets.
Tiomkins award-winning score is one of the notable features of the film. He composed over 150 minutes of music for large orchestra with an important part for organ, and several sections are extended compositions in their own right.
Golden Globe Award for Best Original Score(nominated & won)
Academy Award for Best Music, Score - Substantially Original(nominated)
Some Interestin Behind the scenes stuff
>At US$1m, Sophia Loren was the highest paid cast member.At US$1m, Sophia Loren was the highest paid cast member.At US$1m, Sophia Loren was the highest paid cast member.At US$1m, Sophia Loren was the highest paid cast member.
>The Fall of the Roman Empire was a costly financial failure for producer Samuel BronstonThe Fall of the Roman Empire was a costly financial failure for producer Samuel BronstonThe Fall of the Roman Empire was a costly financial failure for producer Samuel BronstonThe Fall of the Roman Empire was a costly financial failure for producer Samuel Bronston
>The films reconstruction of the Roman Forum at Las Matas near Madrid, at 400 x 230 meters(1312 x 754 feet) holds the record for the largest outdoor film set.The films reconstruction of the Roman Forum at Las Matas near Madrid, at 400 x 230 meters(1312 x 754 feet) holds the record for the largest outdoor film set.The films reconstruction of the Roman Forum at Las Matas near Madrid, at 400 x 230 meters(1312 x 754 feet) holds the record for the largest outdoor film set.The films reconstruction of the Roman Forum at Las Matas near Madrid, at 400 x 230 meters(1312 x 754 feet) holds the record for the largest outdoor film set.
So next time you go to a DVD shop……….remember
“all roads lead to rome “
“All shelves lead to the DVD of “The Fall Of Roman Empire”