Oprah Show, Dr.Phil, Tyra Banks and countless other shows on TV, what all of these shows and this film has in common, Its the intervention, how come everyone on the waves are talking about Intervention. It seems everyone was inspired to use this word at one and the same time. We have lost touch with ourselves, know thyself is the meaning of word INTERVENTION, we could be different inside from what we are posing to be, it could be just a vaneer, it could be a mask, we could become WHOLE again, undivided and complete, being whole in soul, mind, heart, feelings is most important than any other reality, no peer can change it, no mass can divide it, no other realiaty is more important than us becoming WHOLE, many super halves active, talkative, planning, playing with peril can never equal the undivided whole.
Cash is the man with the WAND (Don Cheadle) he actually has a ticket worth $ 238 and wants to cash it from a coffee shop sales counter, the attendent is rude to him, he pulls out his gun, Nicolas Cage (Jack Campbell) intervenes and saves the situation, not only this but he runs after Cash and tries to talk to him not to carry guns with him in future and save him. Cash says you are a good man, I liked your INTERVENTION and dont blame me, because you are the one in need of saving, you are going around with cocky attitude saying I dont need anything, I have everything. Oh boy.
I gave you the crux but the film begins like this : There is Nicolas Cage (Jack) and Tea Leoni (Kate Reynolds) at the airport right after college, Jack is going to London for Banking course, Kate wants him to stay back, Jack says one year is no big deal, I wont forget you in a life time, he forgets her for 13 years and becomes a Billion Dollar deal maker on Wall Street, he himself is a millionaire, he is about to cut a deal worth 122 Billion next day, his well wishing secratery says he had a call from Kate Reynolds and asks Jack to return the call. Jack does not want to bring the past in the present and keep it safe in the past. He does not call her back. Jack goes to a mall to buy EGG NOG. Its Christmas Eve. At the mall incident of intervention happens.
Jack comes back home goes to sleep on his highrise apartments bed and wakes up in a homestead houses bed and is surprised to find a woman and kids calling him DAD and HONEY, he borrows a car goes searching for his Ferrari and high rise building apartment, but there are no traces of Jack Campbell in his building nor there are any traces at his office. His neighbours do not recognize him, he realizes its to do with Mr.CASH he wants explainations and searches for Mr.Cash and finds him. He wants to get back to his previous life, as he does not know anyone or anything in his new life and he is afraid of the new role, he does not even know he is a car tyre salesman, he is married for 13 years. Interesting or what ???
Me start smiling at whatever follows from here onwards in the film, Jack goes back to his HOMESTEAD home by the help of a street map given by Mr.Cash, he stops near a good looking couple and asks them direction to the street, they turn out to be his neighbours since 13 years and ask him Jack is something wrong with you, are you feeling all right.
Jack starts doing his regular house and family chores, see his father-in-law and his wifes face, this face is familiar, she is Kate Reynolds the one he left on Airport 13 years back, but there is a little problem here, she knows him since 13 years and they have 3 kids but our JACK has a awareness gap of 13 years of this new life. He tries to cope with things by his ears and eyes. Whatever hints he could gather about what he used to do all these 13 years he asks his daughter, sometimes his work mates, one time he asks his workmate the location of his office. He tries to fit himself as good as in the role of Bowling alley Jack the Hammer Campbell. He does not know he sings things to his wife when they are happy togather, the acting is superb both by NICOLAS CAGE and the fantastic beautiful TEA LEONI. There is still hope as Mr.Cash the angel said to him, you will find your way back to old life and the hint is bicycle bell.
A few months in his new life and after seeing old family Video cassettes Jack falls in love with his wife and bitten by the charm of his new life and starts applying his old Millionaire learnings to his new simple middle class life, he starts crying and stops using bad girl langauge and stops resenting the change in life style. He becomes afraid to go back to his old life and wants to find a way to remain in his new life with a wife loving him and he loving her back finally. The dreaded BICYCLE BELL ring comes and JACK is afraid to go back to sleep, he is afraid he will be back. He sleeps finally. I wont spoil any further your taste for this film.
It was a wonderful intervention story by Director Brett Ratner and 2 writers David Diamond, David Weissman. I enjoyed the playing by ear of Jack it was new and out of the box situation. It was amusing, there was this beautiful scene where Jack tells his daughter that he was abducted by Aliens because she says you are a changed DAD. She understands that her dad is not the same man, he always takes her daughters advise to guide him in his new life, like what present he should give mom on wedding annivarsary. Cho Chweet.
One day his wife come running to him saying kids are asleep, that was very good acting by Tea leoni, she really has a very beautiful face, deep blue bedroom eyes, her features are well chiselled and good body, she was doing wonders to the screen and the hearts of all people who were staring wantonly at the screen. The chemistry between Jack and Kate was magical, Jack feeling akaward with the shared intimacy with his wife was simply superb, there was only one scene pandering to the gallery, it was the shower scene. The film is good without it too.
Well I am afraid I must stop here, the plot is beautiful, so is the lead pair, I will try to give maximum stars to this film as is my nature, I am difficult to make angry and easy to please. I will remain pleased till I see next film.
Yo !! intervention is the new age mantra.