F8: Call it The Fast & The Furious , then its neither fast nor furious. Call it the Fate of the Furious, then the fate has really turned their back on the franchise. This is the weakest entry in the series.
After F7, which literally moved everyone and found a place in everyones heart, this isnt what was expected by the audience. You cant just serve anything and get away.
The film lacks soul.
The action doesnt appeal. Hacking in todays cinema looks so easy to do. Just move some fingers on the colourful display and BAM!
You can literally hack into everything. Cars to Submarines but not when needed the most. American Muscle is too insane. Be it a desert or a glacier. You can attack and cause mayhem in places like New York and Russia but the authorities wont do anything. Give me a chance to re edit the flick and Ill add this to the soundtracks.
Ye bik gayi Hai Gormint, Is gormint Mei kuch nahi Hai.
Ye saare milke.
Giving in some Bald and sleeveless guys wont help if the content is weak.
Duh! Disappointment. Even 3D doesnt make an impact. The cast is wasted away
P.S F9 and F10 are on their way. So Diesel doesnt die Tonight.