Most people would categorize this movie as sci-fi thriller, something to do with Aliens and stuffs. I would say its worth watching for people who like sci-fi thriller.
But the movie does not end with Aliens/Earthlings stuffs. It has something more inside it, which makes it more interesting. What the Director actually tries to bring out is the different kinds of Human relationship. The Alien part is just to make it interesting and thrilling. If you watch the movie carefully, it shows different kinds of Human relatioship.
1. Mother & child: The movie shows how deep the relationship is between Mother and Child. It cannot be just taken away or erased. When the Alien tries to erase the Motherss (Telly) memory from the time of the childs birth he thinks that he would succeed (it may sound obvious beacuse thats the first time the mother saw her child). But he is quite wrong because the relatioship between a mother and child started much before that. It started from the mothers womb!!
2. Father & Child: The bond between a Father and a Child is also quite strong but, not as strong as it is between a Mother and a child. The Aliens were partly successful in erasing the Fathers (Ash) memory of the child. At first he seems to have forgotten everything. But with some efforts and help he could trace back his memory. This shows that the relationship between a Father and a child is also quite intact, but not as strong as mother and child.
3. Husband & Wife: The relationship/bond between a husband and wife doesnt seems to be that strong compared to the bond between parents and child. The Aliens were successful in erasing the memory of Jim (Tellys husband). Even when Telly approched him, he seems to have forgotten everything.
I enjoyed watching this movie. But the way Aliens comes into picture and NSA (National Security Agency) cooperating with the Aliens makes the movie less credible. Anyway if you are a serious movie watcher youll enjoy it.