Hyy My name is Vandita.
Forty Rules of Love is my favourite novel till now. Written by Turkish writer Elif Shafak, it permeates through you and gets a special place in your heart.
Ella, 40 years old housewife, who is unhappy with her life lately finds herself as a literary agent and writing report on a manuscript titled Sweet Blasphemy by A.Z. Zahara. Set in 1200, Konya, it deals with the tale of Shams of Tabriz, a wondering Dervish and a renowed scholar Mawlana Rumi. How they meet and how the world and their people change after they meet is an interesting wooven tale of love and sufism.
Wandering and telling his 40 rules of love and life, Shams of Tabriz changes Rumi, a scholar into the greatest poet of all time. What happens to Rumi then ? And what happens to Shams of Tabriz?
It is a sweet novel and will leave you filled with love towards others and love towards yourself. I definitely ask everyone of you to give this book a read, you will not be disappointed.
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