The Great India Place is a mall situated near sector 18 Metro staion, Noida, Uttar pradesh .Its very easy to reach here with metro.
The mall has parking facilities for large number of vehicles.
This mall is one of the largest malls of India and I love visiting this mall about once very month .There are lots and lots of shops .Escalators and Lifts ease the movement of people from one place to another .It has its own dedicated gaming zone which is my favourite .I occasionally visit her to refresh myself, by playing all kinds of games, From Video games, Bowling .
It does have lots of stores including, Woodland, Adidas, Big Bazaar and dedicated stores for Home Furnishings and furniture located at the ground floor.
There are restaurants too, Having food there is good s, these are very crowdy and you may also need to wait about half an hour at peak times .I common place to sit and have food from various restaurants offering there services here .
This mall offers special decorations for festivals and national festivals, such as republic day .holi, diwali, christmas .It looks beautiful from inside, though its not so attractive from outside .
Some stores like Big bazzar and others provide value for money others are highly priced.
The worlds of wonder amusement park is situated just aside this huge mall.
so I world say this mall really great.