The green mile is a different story, extremely unpredictable and fabulously interwoven into a great script which thankfully has not been tested before.Unfortunately for us its bit too long and takes up three hours, nevertheless its worth a watch for obvious reasons like the fantastic story , Tom hanks brilliant performance and Michael clarks restrained acting abilities!
Paul(TOM HANKS) is a prisnor to those who have comitted hineous crimes like murder.All these prisnors are executed in an area called (the green mile) where they are made to sit on a chair and electric current is passed through!
One day a humongous giant like afro american who is funnily afraid of the dark arrives at the mile being accused of killing two innocent girls. John Coffee takes up an instant liking for Paul because of his kind and benevalont nature. Paul is having a serious urinary problem thus making it a big problem to powder his nose! One day while paul is near Johns cell hwe is grabbed by the latter and held close for a while , thus passing miracle rays and curing his illness! Paul who otherwise did not believe in such powers or miracles starts beilving in them and both of them develop a very tight bond , thus making it impossible for Paul to beileve that John , the good natured and helpful guy could have committed such a terrifiying crime!
They have, in the movie shown various incidents of Johns healing powers , like when he revives the dead mouse of a fellow cellmate! Now everyone gets to know about his power to heal and one day they even take him out of the jail to get their bosss wife who is apparantly suffering from brain tumor and is about to die , cured!He cures her too and now not only Paul but everyone around him also , except a ghastly jailor who hates all the convicts start to like him. Infact they get to know that he is not the one who has murdered but its Billy who is the real convict , when he grips Pauls hand and makes him visualise the actual picture of Billy killing the two girls! But since Paul and the others cant prove these powers and the healing touch in the court and his case cannot be solved he has to be executed!
Thus this beautiful story of relationships and bonds tries to show us the turmoil and dillema of Paul and his collegues when , inspite of knowing the truth have to end Johns life because they cannot give proof! They even tell him to escape but he says he is tired and would like to die soon...
The director has done a commendable job and has told us this unusual story sensitively and with a lot of emotions! Certain scenes like the one where the bad cop deliberately fails to wet the sponge in order to make the death more painful and the lengthen the procedure are so shocking and real. Also the expressions on Johns face , his always- sad faces and very likable character make the movie special. The turmoil and confusion shown in the minds of the jailors when they find out the reality is taken so naturally and so is the bond between Paul and John.
Technically the film is good and the screenplay too is perfect.The effects, camera etc ect are passable and will do for normal viewing.
TOM HANKS: As usual he has enacted his part with maturity and you cannot imagine anyone else in his shoes. His expressions of relief when he is able to pee without pain are extreamly funny and very real!
MICHAEL CLARKE: Michael clarke as John coffee is too good. He is very expressive and a brilliant actor , you cant help feeling anything but sympathy for him through out the film. He is a magnificant actor and a treat to watch!
The rest of the cast do justice to their roles!
Watch this movie for its brilliant story and stupendous performances....its better than watching Hritik dance like a moron and kareena making faces like a mentally retarded female monkey!
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