Umpteen movies have used Vegas as a plot in Rom Coms, Casino inspired dramas, Dark (Scorsese Dark) action dramas and God knows what.
But rarely has any movie made me want to laugh out of my guts as "Hangover" did. Directed by Todd Philips, this is one laugh riot you would like to come back to many times.
The plot is pretty basic. Four guys, Bachelor party, one of them getting married in 2 days, leaving behind the boring daily schedule for a couple of days of mindless fun, e.t.c.Have seen it dozens of times, havent we?
We know that they would go there, get drunk and maybe get banged up pretty bad but surely they wont miss the wedding. Ditto for the story here as well.
So where does "Hangover "Score over other such Nevada based adventures.Well its in the treatment of the plot.They wake up (well only three of them do, one of them, the would be groom is missing) the morning after, without a hint of what happened the last night.
The ship shape luxurious villa they are in, is in shatters, a tiger has taken shelter in their loo, theres a baby in one of the cupboards, one of them( the dentist who fancies to refer to himself as a Doctor) is missing a tooth, They come down to find that they had come back in a Police Car instead of the sparkling Merc that the Papa-in-law had gifted the groom.
Well the troubles for them are just getting started.As they start searching for their friend and answers to all the above said mysteries, they keep getting themselves into more and more trouble.
Bradley Cooper , Ed Helms and Justin Bartha as Phil, Stu, the dentist and Doug, the groom respectively fit into their characters, pretty much , as they say, like a glove .But the guy who takes the cake is Zach Galifianakis as the irrepressible and simply unstoppable Allan.
He is sure to give you a tummy ache with his characters mind blowing stupidity(Remember Joey in Friends and Black Jack in Nacho Libre ).Well there are a lot of other people as well.Special mention for Heather Graham as Jade, the stripper who marries Stu (perfectly possible in a night at Vegas, isnt it?), Rachel Harris as Mellisa, the over possessive (an understatement actually) fiancee of Stu, the Chinese guy (special mention for his English) and the big bad Tyson(Yes the ear biting, heavy weight champ) himself.
The dialogues by Jon Lucas and Scott more are well, simply hilarious. Sample a few courtesy, IMDB.
Phil: [ his answering machine message ] Hey, this is Phil. Leave me a message, or dont,
but do me a favor: dont text me, its gay.
Stu : [ while Alan adds pepper to the roofied steak ] Why are you peppering the steak?
You dont know if tigers like pepper.
Alan : Tigers love pepper. They hate cinnamon.
Stu : [ playing piano and singing passionately ] What do tigers dream of when they take their little tiger snooze?
Do they dream of mauling zebras, or Halle Berry in her Catwoman suit?
Dont you worry your pretty striped head,
were gonna get you back to Tyson and your cozy tiger bed. And then were gonna find our best friend Doug,
and then were gonna give him a best friend hug. Doug, Doug, oh, Doug, Dougie, Dougie, Doug, Doug!
But if hes been murdered by crystal meth tweakers,
[ stops suddenly ]
Stu : well then were sh*t out of luck.
If you havent watched it already, well go do it tonight.If you have, then go do it again.An hour and half of laughter never hurt anyone, did it?