I think comparing The Times of India with The Hindu shall be like comparing the bomb-like-detonation of a Pamela Andersan with the aesthetic elegance of Aishwarya Rai. Both have their followers. And both are good, but in their own context. For at the end of the day, they deliver goods. And thats what matters!!
The Hindu is one of my favourite papers, though I must admit Ive developed a liking for The Asian Age these days. I am proud to have worked over there once, though I really didnt value it then.
Well, Hindu boasts of an excellent editorial content, the language is eloquent and the reports rarely have any grammatical or spelling mistakes. The Sunday magazine is a real treat for it offers you some excellent articles, especially on books, ideas, worthwhile people and spellbinding excerpts from the most happening works.
On the flipside, the layout isnt all that exciting, infact it is rather dull. The layout is an integral part of a readers psyche, for the paper quality, the use of proper colours does make a difference to readers who are flooded with eastman-colour-options.
One of the common complaints regarding this paper is the delayed news. In an age when mass media has spread its tentacles massively, you just cant afford to be late for the consumer wouldnt want anything stale.
This is a gross error and rather unpardonable too. Yet, The Hindu isnt really competing with the national newspapers. They seem to be rather contended with the favourable response that they elicit down south.
I recommend The Hindu to anybody keen on high quality writing. The literacy rate is very high in the southern states and they are also high on cultural plurality. The Hindu succinctly manages to capture such a Rangoli for all its followers. Trust me, if you are the serious reading kinds, you shall never regret it. So, just bring it over...