I have been a reader of The Hindu for atleast 10 years now. Except for some cosmetic changes, the paper has not had major upgrades. All news articles tend to be very passive. There is obviously a selection bias in publishing letters to the editor. Editorials lack enthusiasm, except for the occasional ones published during times of distress. The online version appears very pedestrian. Investigative journalism is unheard of in this paper.
Too much of foreign emphasis, not only in general news articles, but even in articles selected for science and technology sections. I find this paper specifically pro-american. I also find a greater emphasis for one specific subsect of the community ( I do not want to divulge further). This is not acceptable for a paper that strives to be a national news paper.
The other news paper that I subscribe to, Indian express, more appropriately fits the term national newspaper, in my view. The online edition of Indian express far surpasses the Hindu in its quality and diversity of content.