Review :
Hindu is one of the very few newspapers with 125 years of history.It is glorious for a paper which covered our Indian Independence movements.
I am an ardent reader of this newspaper. I used to enjoy reading this newspaper very much but now it has some what changed I feel. The reports now a days are entirely one sided for example if some chavunists have stolen some paintings there is only one way in which the event is being presented to us.We are subjected to read the paper from the journalists view of emotion to the incident. No event in India can have all support of the 100 crores.Therefore being a national newspaper it is its responsibility to give the reader every side of the event.
If we read the hindu paper now , keeping our personal feelings aside we can realise that the paper is anti-BJP , I exactly cant say it is true but the governments campaigns are always presented on the wrong side.It is upto the reader to decide about the democratically elected governments doings.I believe there are always atleast 2 sides of an event and we are to be informed about both.This trend is missing.The editorials on topics like globalization, communalism are one sided affairs.
We as people think what is good for us is good and vice versa, but if newspapers also think like that where is the truth of the incident reported?Newspapers have to be more generalized. Hindu alone cant be blamed but with my time constrained reading capability I can read only hindu, And other papers have very long ago left the tradition of argument and counter argument by which the horizon of understanding rises.Which is what is good for a nation.
I still hold my belief that Hindu is one the best National dailies but it is undergoing change just like any other newspaper which pains me a bit.There are countries in which newspapers directly show the support to political parties which implies they will only glorify that party.Where is the truth factor?.In truly democratic country like India fortunately this trend isnt there in public but the newspapers are becoming more like this extremely supportive of incident and extremely critical of another.
Coming to the other aspects if you are a sports lover nobody has better reports and photographs then Hindu..some times the photos are extremely stunning the quality is there.the weekly science and technology reports are very informative but less I believe, more space should be given to sci-tech.The sunday magazine is some times very good. The young world is a not so interesting to read as it was before may be, because of my growing age or the missing fun-track which used to be every week and small child stories arent much there to read now.
Now-a-days it consists of mostly small kid books reviews which arent so interesting unless we read the book. The new IT mag which comes is also good ya that one.
On an overall the hindu is still one of the best but the tradition of its unbiasedness is weakening.