Im also addicted to The Hindu like the next chennaite.
I had considered it GOD in the newspaper arena. Been to so many places in the country, read various English dailies, but thought no daily could beat The Hindu in the language or content.
But let me share what I think of it now, especially in the recent past.
You can read only about a section of people in Hindu again and again. Cricketer Shrikant, Kamalhasan, Real-Image(a tech company), Bombay Jayashree, SVeShekar, Crazy Mohan etc as though none exist in the city of Chennai. Over the years it virtually promoted Mr. Chandrashekar of Pentamedia (formerly Pentasoft), even furthering that the Oscars will be for their 3D Animated feature. (I can remember comparing their animation with Shrek One and wondered about The Hindus animation knowledge. According to latest SEBI press-release, Pentamedia had issued a duplicate set of its own shares pledged with one bank and used the shares to borrow money from another lender, through an associate.) The Hindu promoted this company last 10 years. They have all been glorified to an extent that the general public have been taken for a big ride. Its frustrating to open the newspaper and read only about persons of their personal interest...
I have always related The Hindu to a clear conscience but that seems to be going hazier as years go by. Other new entrants to dailies are becoming interesting and factual to read than our own..ooops not own Hindu...