This review is not regarding newspapers or any one media specifically. I am talking about media in general , but since I didnt find a category of that, I am giving this review here.
Media? let it be print, broadcast, internet, it thinks that it is an authority on all the subjects it covers. It is not at all open to correction. If the media does some introspection it will realise how many times it has been wrong.
It is so over confident of its powers that its not even ready for suggestions of change. The media needs to understand that it is for the society, it is a reflection of the society around it and guardian of rights of common man.
The fine example is of the recent bomb blast in Mumbai. Media, in its enthusiasm reported occurence of atleast 6 bomb blast in Mumbai and compared with the 13th Bomb blast in 1993.
This enthusiasm created panic among the residents of Mumbai who left their offices. This one incident showed a kind of misreporting that the poweful media of television can undertake.
The media seen today is neither a guardian nor reflective of the society. Whatever the media dishes out is accepted by the reader who has a very limited choice.
While the media has enacted a code of ethics for itself there is still corruption and there are those journalist who make the fast buck.
Lastly, media should also learn to keep a distance between itself and the Govt. of the day. Once it starts accepting benefits and privileges from Govt. , it becomes slave to the Govt.
---- dont be so unethical that your character is questioned.........
--------By-- Vrushali Deshpande
Student of Mass Media