The HindustanTimes or popularly known as HT by delhites , is a major newspaper of North India. I am regular subscriber to this newspaper because of the simple reason that while reading the newspaper in the morning , I dont have to strain myself with words and sentences of a very literate person who wants show off his vocabulary and grammer more than making the point. I like this newspaper because it makes me read information in a way which I like.
Some of my more literate friends tried to convince me that , the articles and the news in other newspapers were better. I believed them and surely I was not disappointed , but please tell me frankly , how long would a person tolerate reading news from timbaktoo while sitting in new delhi.
The point is , you want to read more news regarding a place with which you have a sense of belonging than the rest of the world. There are so many instances where I noticed people from other states still reading the newspapers which are popular there for e.g people from chennai still subscribe to Hindu and people from calcutta read The telegraph even though they are living in delhi.
There are cases when a few pseudo literate try to show off to other people that by denigrating HT , they are impressing upon the masses , but these people fail to realize that there is no such thing as Journalism without the masses. A paper accepted and acknowledged by the people cannot be downright crap. Of course , other newspapers in the competition are somewhat better in various aspects , but the appeal which HT has among people is quite deviant.
Some of the positive aspects of HT are its classifieds , matrimonials and its city news section. Mostly the major news in all the newspapers is the same. My only immediate suggestion to the HT people is that they must improve the quality of their prints. * For the editorials , try the magazine Frontline.