Well, after the hangover of the paper wars in mumbai is over I decided with a cool head to subscribe for a newspaper. Have been reading TOI for so many years now, was getting too monotonous for me so decided to change. Had two options HT or DNA . Initially started with HT well I should confess the price factor did play a major role in this selection. Have been reading it for quite few months now. The paper seems to be ok, nothing the sort of see new light stuff. Infact I wouldnt rate the paper higher than other papers that are circulating .
The paper quality is ok slightly rough(well what do u expect for 1 buck) , DNA has great paper quality , followed by TOI.
The frontpage news are sometimes bizarre. Well they must be trying to be different but sometimes it is a big turnoff e.g a faeces covered iraq prisoner
Inner pages are standard like in other pages with tidbits of city news and political news, middle pages are lifted straight from THE GUARDian, I wonder why pick up americanised articles .
Sports pages are better than the rest of the news that paper covers.
Business section is ok the usuall stuff.
Articles by vir sanghvi and other guests are ok. sometimes you like them sometimes you dont. Because they are just their personal views.
well if I say the less about the HT STYLE the better.. use it for movie and tv schedules nothing else.
you share your birthday with section ... again americanised..... Doesnt india have great people whose birthday fall on same day as yours, why do we need britney spears , tom cruise out there.
Along with the paper there are many supplements BRunch being the best and very different . Well this is the only thing I like about HT
The surround supplement for music systems, theres nothing in that supplement for normal people , it features all high class lakhs and crore rupee sound systems..
Splurge supplement.. well the name says it all.... good photographs to look at... and ways to throw 10 lac for a bottle of wine.
The service.. welll pathetic. I took the HT outlook offer in december and have yet to get the service. Have wasted 100 bucks on phone to get the reply we will check
Have faxed a written complaint to them for a refund.. but I am not too optimistic with that. There is no accountable person. We will get back to you is the reply.
To sum it all up there is nothign great to leave your existing paper for this one, unless you are price concious.. for 1 or 2 bucks I think this paper is ok. otherwise stick to your old one .. or go for dna or better stil midday.