I wish I had read the review by Ritesh . HTs agents collected my money in October 2007. Form num 174967.After that I am following up on a a weekly basis at their call centre only to be assured that the coupons would come in a week.
I think HTs main business is of fooling subscribers by collecting subscriptions and not delivering the newspapers. This way they get the money and the subscriber continues to subscribe for the newspaper in the fond hope that someday HT would send the coupons promised. This way subscription stands guaranteed and even if the subscriber does not subscribe they can add him to their list of subscribers to show great circulation numbers and collect advertisements
I have finally given up and instructed my news vendor to change the newspaper.Given the pathetic consumer redressal in our country we just have to resign ourselves to our fate and forget the subscription money
I made the misktae of not reading Mouthsuts reviews before giving the cheque. I hope others shall not meet a similar fate