The hobbit desolation of smaug its amazing movie in my life and very good vfx and that the dragon was so amazing,
and cast of costume is very good specially thoren,
The adventure gets lightened up with the inclusion of Orlando bloom marking his return as the famous acrobat elf from the lord of the rings "Legolas", being almost 60 years younger his moves has just yet started and assisting him this time around is not Gimli but a silvan elf from the elven guard of the woodland realm.Portrayed by Evangeline lilly "Tauriel" surprises many with her assuaging presence and acute wits to combat. Mikael Persbrandts role as the beastly Beorn though upsets audiences for his more or less cameo appearence, still you get angst at the gigantic bears growl. Lee pace with the same notion did his character of the Elven-king "Thranduil" some justice. Notwithstanding Stephen fry and Ryan gage gave some real comical touch to their characters of "The Master of Laketown" and "Alfrid(Masters servent)" as expected, but the real deal was sealed by Luke evans entering into his role as "Bard the bowman"and his antecedent Girion whos inclusion on Dales attack makes the story more intriguing. While inside the mountain and lurking in the communicable darkness two evil dwellers headed by Benedict cumberbatch in his role as the dragon "Smaug" and "Necromancer" shows the audience what a conjuring anathema the series has entered into.