At the outset let me warn anybody wanting to see The Hulk - DO NOT EXPECT COMIC-BOOK TREATMENT like in The Matrix, X-Men, and other comic influenced flick... This is not a comic-book movie. This movie is almost poetry in motion...
Ang Lee after the success of Crouching Tiger... returns with this comic-caper that surprises the viewer with its treatment and film-style... the parallel cuts between the blood flowing thru veins and the track shot over a brook of water...!!! which hollywood director other than Terrence Malik (The Thin Red Line) and John Woo (A Better Tomorrow, Hard Boiled)can be poetic even in violence? Is it the Eastern background that make them sensitive? Eric bana makes his Hollywood debut and does a competent job. Jennifer Connelly has nothing to look forward to her role. Nick Nolte, after confession, drunk-driving and rehab, behind him returns with a beard to boot. The CG work is great and though the movie may not fare popularly with kids because of its treatment. If you are a kidand love Stan Lee - go watch the movie. If you are an adult go watch the movie to see how much superior is its treatment to popcorn rehashed trash like T-3. Overall a good watch.