To: @iitk,, Sudhir Singh Nayak(, The IKIGAI Lab( located at Sector 62, Noida
It has been almost 1 year now since we are chasing for getting our final certificates. Please help us and get this resolved. We are feeling #cheated and #looted. It seems that a #economicoffence is occured against me. I still hope that is not the case although. Till now you have given the hope that #certificates will be provided soon and due to which I am still chasing you. I really dont need the certificate now but want to have the experience as well and want to know how your company treats your customers. Even after approx 1 year, there is no any positive results.
Please let me know the escalation matrix and any other proper channel for communication.
And I since I paid the service tax, I have the right to escalate the matter if I have not got the service as committed