“A persons ethics and character are not tested in good times. It is only in bad times that a person shows how steadfast he is to his Dharma.”
? Amish Tripathi, The Immortals of Meluha
If mythology was to be so informative, so amazing and interesting, I wish I could have lived in that era of mysteries and unbelievable secrets. Shiva Trilogy, the latest mythological blockbuster series has definitely created an everlasting impact on our minds. And after reading Shiva Trilogy, I have become a superfan of the Indian classical Mythology and more over of Lord Shiva, the destroyer of evil. Myths were reinvented & rationalised being a perfect blend of fiction, fantasy, reality and a speculative history.
I got a chance to see the first novel of the Trilogy at a bookfair and the punchline, “The Story of the man, whom legend turned into a god” was punching enough to land the book into my collection. The creativity, vivid descriptions, excellent storytelling, simplified yet elegant English makes it easier to understand and imagine things with eyes open.
The sense of freshness by the depiction of the Lord as a real man with a trident, hair in locks, rudraksh beads and battle scars was the testimony of religions miracles with science. It is the tale of that spiritualism and virtue by which we Indians have grown with a logical twist and a well researched palette of history on God.
The invocation in the beginning was very attractive that says, -
“A man becomes a Mahadev, only when he fights for good. A Mahadev is not born from his mothers womb. He is forged in the heat of battle, when he wages a war to destroy evil. Har Har Mahadev - All of us are Mahadevs, All of us are Gods. For His most magnificent temple, finest mosque and greatest church exist within our souls.”
Thishumane God fulfilled His destiny by making all the right choices and doing his service towards mankind. So there is a lot to learn from it that we all have the potential to fulfil our destinies by following the path of righteousness. This simplicity in Shiva`s character and thinking is something that kept me pined to the book and forced me to complete at a go. Then the mindboggling quotes from the trio were just awesome with a deeper philosophy behind it. Some of them that touched my heart were -
1.“Whether a man is a legend or not is decided by history, not fortune tellers.” The Immortals of Meluha
2-“Only your karma is important. Not your birth. Not your sex. and certainly not the colour of your throat.” – The Immortals of Meluha
Seriously a trend changer in mythology. A must read!
Thank you so much for this lovely book and eagerly waiting for the next series.