The immortals of meluha a novel written by amish tripathi. Writing style, concepts and thinking of author is very different than the others his counterparts. The story is based on the hindu deities and others epic characters but it is very much different from that we read in our ancient religious books. Its story is set at some thousand years ago. And in this lord shiva is shown as a simple man with no such god like powers . He only have his warrior skills and his intellectual which is very different from meluhan people. In this book the author wanted to show that karma decides a man fate whether he became a immortal and remembered till thousand years or donot.
I have read this book two times yet once its hindi version at my school and its english version by buyin from amazon previous week.
Its story begins from meluhans searching their fabled saviour who will save them from chandrawanshis and evil nagas. Their ended when they found tibbetean tribe guna and their leader shiva whose throat turns blue after taking somras. Here in this novel we can also see the rebelion nature of shiva when he declares vikarma law unethical and then married sati. After the attack on mount mandar meluhans declares war against chandrawanshis and swadeep. Shiva them from front and they win. This act of shiva made parwateshwar the meluhan army chief his devotee and follower.
At the end swadeep king and his daughter anandmaye watching shiva the neelkanth says that they have also waited from him to help them to destroy suryawanshis or meluha. It shocks shiva. He went to famous ram temple of ayodhya where he got some satisfaction from the answers of priest. The story of this part ends here.
This novel is very much different from other of its contemporary novels. It gives us also knowledge of our religions.
In one word I will say that it is fantastic so go for it. And I can tell you are not going to disappionted with it. Thats all I have to say .
Thank you.