This is the review of the newer italian job.i couldnt find this movie in the current section so I had to write it down here.
the italian job is about 5 conmen who pull off a daring heist with the help of a older conman of about 35 million dollars of gold bars. 1 of the partner in crime double crosses them , kills the old conman , leaves the others for dead and vanishes with the gold.
after 1 year the remaining 4 guys get togather alongwith the daughter of the murdered conman and plan a heist to stael their gold back from the doublecrosser.
Sounds like a bollywood movie ? it does. but the story is where the similarity to bollywood ends.
The movie has a race boat chase , 3 mini cooper cars racing the underground metro and a heicopter. the stunts of the movie are absolutely fantastic and the the action is fast and furious. the editing is slick and direction good.
the cast - donald sutherland as the older conman who gets killed is wasted in a short role. mark wahlberg, ed norton , and jason statham are adequate. charlize theron as donald sutherlands daughter looks innocent , adequate for the part.
but the undoubted stars of the movie are the mini coopers , the boat chases and the action.
A absolute time pass 90 minutes of action.
you should catch it.