Keanu Reeves. (Alex Wyler) and Sandra Bullock
(Kate Forster) match up well in this romantic movie. The plot has mild suspense, interweaved with mystery.I will not reveal much of the plot, but it does involve exchanging love
letters, and its almost analogous to on-line dating.
The love story could have been a lot more exciting if Alex and Kate shared more on-screen space,
i.e. there should have been a lot more scenes of Sandra and Keanu interacting with each other face-to-face, not letter-to-letter. Trust me, they make a killer duo. Both are alpha
personalities with tremendous acting skills. So together…. they make alpha-alpha. Hahaha.
It’s a bit disheartening that the director has tapped very little of Sandra and Keanu’s on-screen chemistry. Ho well, I
guess its better to atleast get to see them as a couple on-screen, i.e.something’s better than nothing.
To sum it up, its worth a watch, because the story is slightly different, the screenplay and
cinematography is very good, and… I don’t need to promote Keanu or Sandra as actors. Their fame precedes them. In fact their fame is better than the
director of this flick.
Happy watching!