Dont put leela hotels bad reviews on tripadvisor, that will never be posted.if it will be posted by mistake trip advisor will move(ctrl+alt+del) reviews later on permanently.
My review is in continuation to review "leela udaipur must be awarded as worst hotel in world".this review was put by mr. Brother-in-law on 3 different travel sites i.e. Tripadvisor, mouthshut & yahoo.even review was very well posted on tripadvisor & after 4 days tripadvisor removed that particular review from tripadvisor website.even, I supposed to travel with my brother-in-law & also i put my review on trip advisor but now 3 days are passed & they didnt post my review yet.might be trip advisor takes money from leela group of hotels whenever someone puts bad feedback on tripadvisor & finally they remove the feedback from tripadvisor.i am aware about two reviews which were put on tripadvisor where one was for goa & other one was for udaipur & finally both reviews were removed from tripadvisor. Goa review title was "call girls are supplied at leela kempinski Goa hotel" & for udaipur title was "must be awarded as worst hotel in world".both reviews were put initially on tripadvisor & then later on both reviews were removed.even i am waiting from past 3 days even my review is not posted.
Leela wants to get conde nast traveler award thats why they remove bad reviews from tripadvisor. Is it the way by which they require success?why dont they modify their reservation systems & improve management ?
My brother-in-law did one small mistake that he put reviews on various websites.then hotel started unprofessional things, hotel called in his company & try to find out his designation. Tell me whats the mean if you are calling someones company & asking his/her designation.very unprofessional leela management.they tried to find out his address & asked him about his address.why they wanted to know his address?might be they wanted to hurt him by sending someone as his reviews were creating problem on their business.somebody can fall in business like this, that i have seen now. This is hospitality industry & see they wanted to take revenge & wanted to create problems for we need to take the help of local security as he and me are not safe.he is in India & myself in USA.
They forced us to remove our feedback from various websites but when we didnt then they took help of tripadvisor to remove his feedback & mine is not posted yet.leela group & tripadvisor are one.even after writing to tripadvisor managing director(india) mr. Sharat dhall & ceo mr. Kaufer but no revert all the peoples are involved.for money they can do amitabh bachan starer movie "runn", things will be alert & dont write anything negative about leela hotels on tripadvisor even if you dont like your stay should think about your own safety.