Thanks for reading my reviews on A Beautiful Mind.
This time Ill be more straight forward.
In my opinion, one should only go to see Lord of the Rings if you are below 18 or 19 or youve not seen such movies in the past. or if you are sitting idle and wants to have some really great Fun or if money is Itching off your Pocket and youre dying to spend it. It doesnt mean that Im writing off the movie completely, actually my reactions are really very very mixed. I went to the movie with high expectations but as it doesnt fulfill it, I felt bad. Why ? Read this...
The Lord of the Rings is a special-effects masterpiece, the big-big sets, the chasing sequences, the pace of the story keeps one at the edge of their seats. Before the Interval, Frodo Baggins(Eljah wood), is asked to save the Mighty ring from the Evil Sauron Empire. The Ring is a special one as it can provide immense power to the person who wears. Im sorry at what Ive written above, now it seems that I liked the movie very much but the End....
Anyways, there is one Big Gandalf Baba, who asks Frodo to take the Mighty Ring with him and destroy it. Frodo is joined by his 2 friends, who stood by him throughout. His Journey was full of adventures, the most terrific moment of the film comes in a scene where they have to cross the boat and only Frodo is left behind, chased by many evil, beheaded horseman. After that he reaches a place advised by Gandalf, but a spy of the Evil Dark Lord Sauron , catches him and he(Frodo) takes on the ring to make himself invisible. Then Frodo is saved by Aragorn(Viggo Mortensen), a good person, but a fierce battle rages between him and the forces of evil, in that fight, Frodo gets badly injured, then Arwen(Liv Tyler), a beautuful girl from Heaven comes and takes him(Frodo) to his Fathers, who is a Lord of that Kingdom. In her journey, she is chased by the evil forces of Sauron, she manages to get rid of them as she is a very good Horse rider. At her Fathers Frodo gets cured and there he met Gandalf. In the meantime, Aragorn also reached there along with other of his (Frodo) friends, there one finds that Aragorn and Arwen are in Love with each other. A Beautiful and Passionate Kiss comes ahead.
Anyways, all the Biggies, decide to take the Ring to the Cracks of Doom, with Frodo taking the responsiblity to go there, a place full of dangerous traps and mis-adventures. He is accompanied by his whole team Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli the Dwarf, Aragorn, and his three friends. Now begins their journey through the toughest of mountains, snow, hailstorms and what not, now they have to pass the dangerous and horrible mines to reach there, in the mines, they were trapped by the men of Sauron, another long fierce battle rages, with one very very huge monster attacking Frodo and his company.... At That point he is attacked by a Monster but Thanks to Galadril (Cate Blanchett) bullet proof jacket, he escaped unhurt. Regarding Galadril there was one scene where they reach a place whose Queen is Galadril and she gives Aashiwaad to Frodo for his Success. Coming back to the Mines, they managed to wipe out the evils soldiers but in that process Gandalf fell from huge space and dies. After that, another excisiting chase begins where one his accomplices lost his life.
Now still Frodo, his friend and Aragorn were left to destroy the ring, they went ahead and Then a Caption Watch Lord of the Rings, Temple of Doom coming in 2002, and then tiles come................
It falls flat........ We were left stunned. Whats this, weve never seeen such a thing in other movies which follwed sequels, be it Godfather - I, Mummy or Star Wars.... Their story first ends and then another begins.
Anyway, I think for an Indian user who spent 3.5 hours and 150 bucks should not be trated like this.
I think Viggo Mortensen is sperb, his Broad chin rules..........
Rohit Bajaj