(NASA) or the national aeronautics and space administration has some primal obligations, first of which may be trekking or space drilling, to seek and search each crevice and crack for locating any means of life that could procure our existing elongation throughout mankind.When I say life, I dont mean extraterrestrial organisms or anything of that ilk.Instead I simply point towards the continuing need for, "tools to travel, foods to fume and living to lift". Yes, I mean natural resources, the lack of which still causes rifts and uprisings in the civilization.Second of which, without the first means, we cannot transcend human lives to millions of star years and reach planets beyond comprehension, forget worlds like Mars. Well, keeping in mind, what if I say, that NASA has managed to salvage everything in the near future and organized a company of 6 people to reach or touch the surfaces of the Red planet to do a particular research, they have been named as members of Ares III.Would you believe with the fast depleting fuel generators? Dream with me then and imagine how civilization could work together.Words spoken from the tongue of a protagonist from the 2014 hard science novel "The martian" written by Andy weir, who is a software engineer himself.That is why, if you dont know your physics, chemistry and biology.You are bound to be drowned in this flick reasoned and formed as a means of an entertaining film by director Ridley Scott.
Dont get me wrong, I am not saying the story is for nerds to relish.I am simply stating that if you find those subjects a tad bit boring.You might end up to be busy with drowning eyes, yawning mouth and stretching arms.Well, do yourself a favor and make sure.Cause, it revolves around the survival of one man Mark Watney portrayed by Matt Damon. Supported with some exquisite locations and camera work by director Scott, you are bound to sit back and relax before feasting with a piece of baked potato dipped in tomato sauce. How did that happen on Mars? tune in to find out.However, you cannot blame the pace of the film, since it relies upon the pages that transpire throughout the Sols(latin name for the sun) as it is considered as a means of calculating time on the red planet.The film features some extra humor, which might become a non-expressive face after some chuckles.That is a part that can be given a low grade, when the film is considered.Another thing was that it suffers from extreme lack of realism, not on the scientific provinces though.
Here is the plot at a glance, Mark Watney along with his crew mates Major Rick Martinez(Michael Pena), Beth Johanssen(Kate Mara), Dr.Chris Beck(Sebastian Stan), Dr.Alex Vogel(Aksel Hennie and Commander Melissa Lewis(Jessica Chastain) are met with an accident during their research on the planet, A tremendous sand storm has managed to asunder them from Watney, who got hit by a flinging debris. The crew members escape leaving a dead or alive Watney to scale this ordeal.
The performances from the cast and crew were mediocre, Still the plot was not hammered by a bullet time.
Watch as his struggle finds light.