The title is too catchy, The Mind of the Married Man? I decided to see the serial the moment I the promo on Zee English. Mondays at 1100 pm.
In first episode Mickey is shown disturbed because his wife finds some porn stuff on his computer. How real this subject is? I think almost 60-70% MEN having computers have porn hidden in some corner even God won?t know. It?s a proven fact.
Remember the times you don?t let your family, especially wives, touch the computers with a fear she?d find something in recent files. The favorite place to hide such files is C Drive in some Programme folders with a name like, for e.g psaenxksaejx. You think even Bill Gates would able to guess what?s hidden there.
The episode was so catchy and humorous that I found myself watching the thing again next monday. Silsila chalta hi raha.
The storyline is... Mickey - the lead actor of the serial is married to a beautiful looking career oriented woman. They have a kid and his wife is busy taking care of the house, kid and her job.
Mickey, like all we guys, has stray thoughts about all other women, either known or strange. He has a secretary who provides all food for his thoughts. She is single and sexy. Most of the times you see he imagining her doing / talking something or anything to do with sex. He has his colleagues, most married, having similar attitude for women.
So this guy Mickey, with all stray imaginations, makes you feel that he is going to do something with his secy or to the masseuse he visits to cure his fantasies. But no, our Mickey just ?fantasize? and ?does? nothing... the way we all married guys do (actually). Don?t we married guys find ourselves staring at girls on railway stations, bus stands, trains, buses, offices, markets ... oh man, where and where not. But honestly tell how many of us really go ahead to that woman and tell her what do we feel about her? The answer is never. We just watch and do ?khudkhushi?.
No it?s not that we don?t have guts. We same guys are achieving some heights / goals in our careers. Are known to be good and caring family man. What keeps us away we don?t know. But we talk. Talk as if I am the most experienced than thou on bed. As if I have slept with many women in past. We talk with such confidence when it comes to girls / sex that even Casanova may get inferiority complex. But we do like talking about girls and sex.
We have come to an era where a guy is happy when he has sex and is depressed when he doesn?t.
The best episode I liked in this serial was when Mickey is invited to his personal secy?s house with her another girl friend. While talking to them and dancing he feels sexually excited and after having such readily available stuff too he goes to the bathroom and masturbates.
Other things I love about this serial is...
1) Music ... it?s so soft and undisturbing
2) Characters ... especially Mickey (somewhere I find me in the character). His wife... I think the creators have become too biased showing this one. But I think they had to be because the serial is all about men and not about how their wives feel. Otherwise this serial would be an English extension of Saas Bahu type serial showing how a bahu suffers. Secretary is shown and sounds as sexy as possible. Mickey?s colleagues do remind of your owns at work.
3) Timing... Just when they (men) convince each other how they love their wives they can?t resist themselves looking at a woman passing by / entering the club or office, etc... and then the -part ends with a background music piece... I love my wife
4) The way all guy discuss their, supposed to be secret, family life or their relationship with their wives and what they do or think about other women.
5) Dialogues ... An Indian irritated listening to saas bahu stuff will definitely enjoy this stuff.
The show is overall honest to it?s title and to all married men. I simply love this serial.
Now this serial is aired from Monday to Friday (or Saturday, please check) at 11.30 pm. Most of the weeks they repeat the same stuff but believe me it?s fun watching it, though again and again.