Dear Mobilestore, We purchased the Samsung Mobile Model No C5212 IMEI: 353350031475033. Dated: 14-10-09 invoice number: AP / 1845/ 00001/ 2838 CST no: 28262784312 Dt: 01-09-2006 Mobile store has promised the following terms when we are purchasing the new mobile_ Note:-
(1) I got the scrated card 5% offer. (2) Travel bag, mobile poutch
Till now, I did not get any gifts from your side. whenever I am visiting to mobile store, simply replying come by tomorrow. Past one month onwards same replying I am listing mobile store. Request you kindly look in to issue and provide the gift items, scratch card offer to me.
I purchased the mobile at: The mobile store limited, 17-1-382/ k/ 1/ 2/ A & B, G Flr, shop 1 & 2, opp: Vishnupuri colony, subhash nagar, sagar road, saidabad, hyderabad Thanks & warm regards, Raghupathi reddy M, Plot no 23, Road no 2, New maitri puram colony, Karmangat, HYD- Mobile:9440415913, 9030999206