Issue resolved by the Customer Care of Mobile Store
So ignore the below review .............................
purchased nokia mobile 3110 from Nigdi branch . At the time of purchase the concern person told me about one offer . He told me that on every purchase of any mobile there is sure shot gift from Mobile Store updto 5000/- . When I asked abt scratch Card . He told me that they will call back . Please Stop this kind of fraud , chetaing with customer .I purchased a mobile from outlet just becasue of brand name.
If u are doing cheating like this , how anybody believe on such prestigious brand.I am having that offer pamplet with me .I m expecting a clarification on this. They immediately replie me which was as follows "Thank you for updating your feedback in our website. We appreciate your time in offering us your valuable feedback. We have made a note of the same in our records and we have forwarded your e-mail to the concerned department. We are in the process of addressing your concern and regret for the inconvenience caused.
We will have one of our team members contact you at the earliest. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused with a request to treat this in isolation and not as a true reflection of our services to our valued customer. For any further queries you may call up The MobileStore contact center at 6000 - 6363 or toll-free number 1800 - 425 - 6363 from 8am to 10pm or write in to We apologize once again for the inconvenience caused and appreciate your writing into us"
After every three weeks there was a call from Banglore office ......asking me about the same This is really ridiculus........................ I register online complaint against them at My complaint no is 3332 .
This site is inititated by the Govt of India which itself is big joke ... So , ......Please all of u ....I am requesting u Please...................................Dont purchase anything from mobile store .....................