Its a kind of book that you will enjoy reading if you are trying to forget or come out of a bad phase in your life. If you are jolly happy and all is going well then this is a Big no no because I feel it gets too philosophical. You need to have a purpose and willingness to relate it to your personal / professional life.
I particularly enjoyed reading this book because it helped me in realizing the power of my mind. I have really started believing that I cannot afford to waste more time brooding over bad things that have happened to me and I can control what I want to thing. I like the small stories that are narrated by the the yogi.
I asked one of my friends to read it and I remember distinctly what he said as soon as he read the title Shekhar, you actually need to own a ferrari before you can sell it and become a Monk. This one is for those rich people who spend thier entire day in earning money and one fine day they realize that they are not happy. It must be like one of those Come here I can make you happy types forum.
His comments do make sense to me because it just reiterates my point about the kind of audience that will enjoy this book - Only those who are actually feeling cheated/unlucky/stressed out in thier lives. It may or may not help you but it will sure tell you that the whole point in life is about being content and happy. You can learn that yourself or through this book or through anything that strikes you.