Oh comon..one cant sell it like that. Niether the ferrari nor the Book ! Mr. Robin Sharma the book is too philosphical and it really made me yawn at regular intervals. Try and sell it to some good hollywood director .....oh the cover says "soon to be a major motion picture". We will see how it goes, hope the movie wont be the same (as book offcourse). Personally I dont believe in idea of self-help books or other motivational stuff like "chicken curry for soul", though I like chicken curry as an appetite. The cover page is designed very well though, being a graphic designer its my professional right to comment on its graphic value. I was about to catch a train from New Delhi Railway Station when I saw the book hanging at a stall on platform, I just had a mere look at the it and bought it and later I realised I could have done something better with those 200 bucks. Why dont you try and write something sensational....I wonder how good you will be at it. Anyways...whos acting in the movie ?