This movie is again like sitting on a roller coaster and letting yourself go. The movie does not allow you to think. You will be bombarded with kaleidoscope of graphics
expertise. One thing I can tell you about this movie is that you will never be bored.
About this movie
This movie is directed by Stephen Sommers. The star cast is the same as the first movie ( the Mummy) with a few more additions. Rick ( Brendan Fraser) and Evelyn ( Rachel Weisz) are married with an 8 year old son, Alex ( Freddie Boath) who acts pretty well for his age.
Arnold Vosloo is the the mummy Im-Ho-Tep who gets resurrected again and has more to say than just roar out his fury. There is a new villain played by the Famous Rock ( from WWF). He is quite convincing as the Scorpion King. Anck-Su-Namun (Patricia Valezquez) plays Im-Ho-Teps lover who wants to resurrect him and rule the world together with him.
The visual effects are stunning but thats all there is to it. You have lots of mummies running around. It sometimes seems like a computer game specially towards the end when the Scorpion King is awakened. If you are into graphics you will like how much effort they went into producing realistic effects. The mummies look are made to look more powerful and strong. There are many adventurous situation in different locations from Egypt to London and in the jungles.
This time every character has been given a substantial part and space in the movie. It is not like the first movie where the movie concentrated wholly on Rick and his friend.
The fight sequences with ancient weaponry have been picturised well. I specially like the two ladies, Anck-Su-Namun and Neferreti sparring with the fork like weapon. You will not be disappointed with the other fight sequences too.
The plot
The plot written by is pretty good and the plot has been well enhanced with the famous special effects. Its awesome.But there is something missing somewhere. I cant put my finger on it. Maybe it would have been better if the movie had more substance instead of excess special effects.
Right from the start the story is fast paced and you dont have time to think and even if you blink it will seem that the story will pass you by.
The story is set in 1933 and begins with Rick and Evelyn along with their kid searching for a mystical bracelet in the ruins of Egypt. On finding the bracelet they return to London but the bracelet sets a course of events which lead to resurrecting the mummy Im-Ho-Tep by his reincarnated lover Anck-Su-Namun. Meanwhile, Evelyn has visions of her previous life.
Alex accidentally happens to put on the bracelet which is the key to The scorpion kings civilization and the army of Anubis. Im-ho-tep wants to wake the Scorpion king from the underworld and get the powerful army of Anubis which the Scorpion used to rule the world. Im-ho-tep knows that if he does away with the Scorpion king he will have access to the great army of Anubis.
Alex is kidnapped and the parents with the parents follow the kidnappers with the help of their friends and well what ensues is a flashback of Evelyns past, golden pyramid of Scorpion king, Pygmies protecting the jungle, great fighting sequences, etc ... and well suddenly there is an end to everything with the good having won over evil.
Well it seems like you are back to square one after fast ride.
My Take
Well I think its better if you watch this in the video or just go to the theatre without expecting much but a lot of visual effects. Kids might be a little frightened but you cannot put it as a horror show. Its a good entertainer and a decent action flick though.
Enjoy it and then forget about it. There will be no lasting impressions about this movie.